Kamis, 07 Mei 2020

The most inspired me

Liliana Natsir

Hard work, discipline and never give up, "- Liliana Natsir

 Who does not know the figure of a Liliana Natsir the Pearl from Manado? As a badminton athlete Liliana Natsir has provided many outstanding achievements, one of which is Liliana has succeeded in making the Indonesian mixed badminton doubles team to be the first winners at the 2016 Rio Olympics and make Indonesia famous at the world level. Another achievement was winning the All England's oldest international badminton competition for three consecutive times, and won a gold medal at the 2011 SEA Games in a mixed doubles team. 

Yes, all the achievements that were obtained by Liliana Natsir are not without struggle. Persistence and practice continue to hone the ability to make it go forward. He did not give up easily even though he had lost many times until finally the long wait and his hard work succeeded in getting him and the Indonesian badminton team to win and be seen by the eyes of the world. 

Moral Message: Don't give up easily, just assume all the failures that have been experienced are a learning process and valuable experience. Continue to practice, and practice, plus discipline so that you can achieve the dreams of success.

Group 14

Biography 2

Group Members
1. M. Alif Iqbal
2. Rembulan Kemalawati
3. Tasya Angelina Asmara Putri



they're talk bout biography
lets check down below



Short Movie


Jumat, 01 Mei 2020

Group 13

Biography, Ki Hajar Dewantara

  • Evi Susanti
  • Febi Andila
  • Hafizh fahreza

Maju Tak Gentar

Song Lyrics

Maju Tak Gentar

Maju tak gentar
Membela yang benar
Maju tak gentar
Hak kita diserang

Maju serentak
Mengusir penyerang
Maju serentak
Tentu kita kita menang

Reff :
Bergerak bergerak
Serentak Serentak
Menerkam Menerjang Terkam

Tak gentar tak gentar
Menyerang menyerang
Majulah majulah menang


Short Movie



"Batik Girl" tells the story of a young girl who faced a tragedy in her life, where she found herself drawn to the magical world of batik painting. In addition, R&D Studio also collaborates with writer Heidi Shamsuddin, Tudidut Studio and the Faculty of Music at Mara University of Technology.

Jali - Jali

Song Lyrics

Jali - Jali

ini dia si jali-jali
lagunya enak lagunya enak merdu sekali
capek sedikit tidak perduli sayang
asalkan tuan asalkan tuan senang di hati

palinglah enak si mangga udang
hei sayang disayang pohonnya tinggi pohonnya tinggi buahnya jarang
palinglah enak si orang bujang sayang
kemana pergi kemana pergi tiada yang m'larang

disana gunung disini gunung
hei sayang disayang ditengah tengah ditengah tengah kembang melati
disana bingung disini bingung sayang
samalah sama samalah sama menaruh hati

jalilah jali dari cikini sayang
jali-jali dari cikini jalilah jali sampai disini