Rabu, 19 Agustus 2020

Aplication Letter


5+ Contoh Application Letter Bahasa Inggris + Artinya [LENGKAP]


This is also known as a Cover Letter. A document sent with your resume to provide additional information about your skills and experiences to an employer. It is intended to provide detailed information on why you are qualified candidate for the job. 

Types of Aplication Letter

- Application Letter for Job
- Resume
- Bursary Application Letter/grant
- Bussiness Application Letter
- Internship Application Letter
- Leave Application Letter
- loan 
Application Letter
- School 
Application Letter
- Scholarship 
Application Letter
- Visa Application Letter
1. Heading
In the heading, you can write detailed information about your identity. Like the name, the complete address includes city, province and zip code, phone number and email.

2. Subject
When applying for a job is done online, you must write in the subject section with the job being applied along with your name.

3. Greeting
Start writing an application letter with a greeting or greeting. For example, Dr / Mr / Mrs. However, if you don't know the recruiter's name, you can write down Deaing hiring manager.

4. Body of Letter
The first paragraph can explain why you created the letter. Mention the job you are applying for and where you found the job vacancies, for example you can from the site jobskarir.id.

Jakarta, August 21st, 2020

Attention to :

Human Resources Department

PT Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia

Jalan Gatot Subroto No. 11, Jakarta Selatan

Dear Sir/Madam,

Based on the information I obtained from the official website of PT Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia, that your company is looking for a Bank Teller. I intend to apply for this position.

The undersigned bellow :

Nama: Mochammad Raka Sugito

Address: Jalan Salemba Tengah III No.17c

Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, June 30th, 1996

Gender   : Male

Phone Number : 081513607370

Recent graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Padjajaran University. My specialization is Finance Accounting. I consider myself that I have qualifications for this position. I have some computer skills, like using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Accounting software. I like to learn something new and I can work effectively under pressure.

As a consideration, I enclose my:

  1. Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate;
  2. Copy of Academic Transcript;
  3. Curriculum Vitae;
  4. Copy of KTP;
  5. Copy of Indonesian Police Sertificates (SKCK);
  6. Recent photograph, size 4×6

Thank you for your attention and I am looking forward to an opportunity to work with you in the future.

Best Regards,

Mochammad Raka Sugito


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